Sunday, August 16, 2015

Time Tripping, 1920's - 1980's

A couple of new pages are up on the Beauty and the Beast Costumes, Chattanooga website.  We have just completed the "Buy Costumes - Adult USA Pop History" page.  So you are probably wondering what that means.  First, it means that B&B has WAY to many different styles of costumes to sell than will fit on one page.  Therefore, the "Buy Adult Sized Costumes" page has been split into multiple pages.  Each of the new sub category pages for Adult Sized Costumes will feature about 200 images.  This will make sorting them out a bit of an issue for me as the web-mistress, but I'm sure it will work itself out. 

The "USA Pop History" page features Popular costumed party themes from US History.  Also known as "Decade Days" for school spirit week and dances, these are costumes inspired by the 1920's through the 1980's.    While the Roaring 20's Flapper dresses are iconic for a short 10 year window, most of the fashions from the 1950's to the 1980's tend to blur over the edges of the decades.  Much like people today did not throw out all their clothes from 2009 on New Year's Eve 2010, there is a great deal of overlap from the Psychedelic 60's to the Disco dominated 70's and then from the 70's to the 80's.  When choosing a costume, never feel trapped into wearing only what someone else chooses to label as a given time period.  Always go with what you like and feel free to mix and match.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Disney Princesses, Oz and Star Wars

SIXTY new costume pics have just been added to the "Buy Costumes - Adult Media " page of the Beauty and the Beast Costumes, Chattanooga website.  They are listed below the Super Hero section, all are labeled with their costume names, sizes available and current pricing. 

About 50 more photos of  movie and TV character costumes are ready to load this weekend. I will be taking a break this evening as Friday is family movie night.  Someone has to go see Fantastic 4! 

If you are curious about the next costumes to be uploaded in the next week, please check the Retail Costume List page.  It is also still incomplete, but it's growing by leaps and bounds.  That list represents 5/12 shelves of costumes which are in stock and available right now. 

Just keep checking back.  All the lists just keep growing!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Please pardon my mistake! 

Trying to differentiate between the costumes which are Rental and which are Retail becomes an issue on the web because the two words are very similar at a glance.   At the same time, if one refers to products FOR SALE, causal web surfers may believe they are ON SALE at reduced prices.  Therefore, the decision was made to use the terms BUY and RENT on new and revised pages.  

The newly created page to show all the adult sized retail costumes was listed as "Buy Adult Costumes".   Luckily, a friend pointed out the error and it has been changed.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Super Heroes, Villains & Gamers

Super Hero mania has hit the Beauty and the Beast Costumes, Chattanooga website!  SEVENTY EIGHT photos of adult sized costumes went up last night,  August 3, 2015 to kick off the Browse at Home, Come in to Buy phase of operations.  Our hopes are to get most, if not all, of our costume inventory on line to help busy customers shop from home or on the go in time for Halloween.  

Please bare with us as we work on getting the images arranged and properly labeled with names and prices in logical groupings.

Inventory Lists are also going up on the website with 2 purposes in mind.  First, is the Retail Costume List which helps the web builder find images for all of the costumes.  Secondly is the Accessory List to assist in the next phase of site reconstruction to suggest the most popular accessories to go with complete purchased or rented costumes, or to help customers design and create their own costumes.  Both of these lists, even though they are currently still incomplete, are there to show new customers the enormous range of inventory available, in stock and ready to go, all year around, provided by the only full service costume shop in the Tri State area.

As Beauty and the Beast does not employ a full time web technician, this over haul of the website will take some time to complete.  In fact, it will never be 100% complete as new things are happening all the time as older items get phased out.  As always, we are here to serve our community and listen to their requests.